Monday, September 23, 2019

Boycott beast card

The multi_purpose identity card linking aadhar,passport,driving license, bank account, and voter I D is certainly a mark of the beast system. First they convince you with tricky reasons such as:it replace paper work, digital india and blah blah. Then they would inject you with bio_chip and force you to accept hindutva, caste system, un_touchablity, idol worship, global government of USA. Linking bank account is very dangerous decision. When you violate a traffic rule, the fine amount automaticaly debited from your account. While you refuse to bow an idol, your account may be locked. You cannot buy or sell anything. The injected micro chip show your location through satelite link. No privacy in your life. You cannot raise your voice against government terrorism of bureacrats. Your life would be in choas. Like a beast in a cattle, chicken in a cage, you will suffer a very severe bondage of sorrows. Defeat this decision in the beginning process. Otherwise,it is too late. Defeat multi_purpose identity cards Defeat mark of the beast Defeat USA. Save our souls. _