Sunday, December 8, 2019

Never ever forget

The indigenous people of America were slaughtered by European settlers from 1492. They invade the american continant and violated all war rules, and killed the natives upto 100 million people. Today they introduced free trade and globalization. They destroyed the illiterate natives by importing and spreading the diseases like small pox yellow fever and many deadly diseases. Todays world forgotten and many didn't know about this genocide. Developement and environment administration is meant to develope the people's life. Not to kill them literally or culturally. Free trade means world war 3. Not only europeans, the NRI's are also like them. Don't elect and select them in your election at national and state level. Don't allow them to rule your internal administration. Privatising the water, electricity, transports arms are all harmful to your country's sovereignity.
Never ever forget the holocaust of native indigenous people of America.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Image of the beast

Many people researches about mark of the beast. Very few researches about image of the beast. It is important which system can force the world to worship an image? Certainly not the monotheist religious system. Whether it could be a pagan or AI technology? Christians do research and reveal this mystery. Revelation 13:15 says the image can speak and has the spirit. It can cast the people to death those who refuse to worship it.
Is this?
Or this?
Below this? because it has spirit and possess legion spirits
Let's do some research brothers... The souls of the left church and left mass are also precious before God. Reveal the world to not to worship the image of the beast. Damage the image of the beast.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

New India

India is one of the newest nation in the world. It was created by the secular hindus, patriotic muslims and the brave indian citizens. At the time of independence we don't have satelites social media industries and comfort mechanisms. But the citizens fought for the rights of all. No caste or religious barriers. Today the physical structure of india looking new, but their souls are corrupted with caste and race viruses. It is not the new india, very old one. It is very dangerous to the human race. Zionism and santana are the two edged same sword. Secular forces of the world must restrict these evil forces and save the humanity. Let us develope Mahatma Gandhiji's new India with social justice.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Boycott beast card

The multi_purpose identity card linking aadhar,passport,driving license, bank account, and voter I D is certainly a mark of the beast system. First they convince you with tricky reasons such as:it replace paper work, digital india and blah blah. Then they would inject you with bio_chip and force you to accept hindutva, caste system, un_touchablity, idol worship, global government of USA. Linking bank account is very dangerous decision. When you violate a traffic rule, the fine amount automaticaly debited from your account. While you refuse to bow an idol, your account may be locked. You cannot buy or sell anything. The injected micro chip show your location through satelite link. No privacy in your life. You cannot raise your voice against government terrorism of bureacrats. Your life would be in choas. Like a beast in a cattle, chicken in a cage, you will suffer a very severe bondage of sorrows. Defeat this decision in the beginning process. Otherwise,it is too late. Defeat multi_purpose identity cards Defeat mark of the beast Defeat USA. Save our souls. _

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Earth is for God's Creation

German and turkish people are the real Aryans.They are the real Assyrian descendants. The brahmins of India are the Jewish people.They flee from Judea in the times of Nebuchadnezzar. The bible prophecy clearly says in the times of the end, the islareli tribes again troubled by the captivity of Assyria. Those who are claiming themselves as upper caste are the children of Belial, Cain bloodlines, Nephilims and the alien hybrids.The people who are oppressed by these hybrids are the goyim, mhlechas,kafirs untouchables, lower caste adam bloodline through the seed of Seth. Lord Adonai Created adam and eve. This world is for adam seed. Satan adulterated humans through sons of God and the children of nephilims still oppress and kills the seed of Adam.
It is clearly seen in today's world.Particularly in india, sons of adam, the Creation of the Lord of lords are oppressed in the name of Caste race and religion. It will end soon. When the Lord Jesus christ descend upon the mount Olive, World map will change. He will defeat the alien hybrids and would give this world to the sons of Adam bloodlines.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

What is Patriotism?

Holding National flags rhyming national anthem are NOT patriotism. It means protecting the people from the corporate owned governments. The victory of brave soldiers is the victory of their own. Not of the ruling parties. The main issues of today's India is caste untouchablity unemployment privatization of public sectors private administration corporate farmers monsanto GMO crops and much more. Water privatization is the most evil process of mankind. By doing so, they deny not only human rights, but also the right of living beings includes plants animals birds and all species. Remember it on the day of voting. Don't select sanatana satans. Your rulers must be elected, not to be selected by MNC corporate.