Sunday, July 22, 2012

do you rob temples?

After the Ministry of Moses, Lord chosen Joshua as a Judge over the people of Israel. Lord said to Joshua, "Be Strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them". Joshua 1:6 Joshua leaded the people of Israel to conquer their inheritance. They conquer many nations and cities. But when they attacked the city of Ai the children of Israel could not stand before their enemies, they turned their backs before their enemies because they have doomed to destruction. Why? Lord also told them, only be strong and courageous, that you may observe to do according to all the law which Moses my servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may prosper wherever you go. Joshua 1:7.They turn back the Law of God which Moses taught to them. "You shall not steal" the eighth command. "You shall not covet anything that is your neighbor's" the tenth command. When they turn their backs in the battle, Joshua prayed to the Lord and knew the Israel was sinned. Lord said, "Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them, for they have even taken some of the accursed things, and have both stolen and deceived and they have also put it among own stuff. Joshua 7:10. This is the reason why the descendants of Israel and Spiritual descendants of Israel deceived. Transgression, taking accursed things, stealing and coveting. Basically breaking the Laws of God. This is happening in this ages too. Many ministers of LORD preaching and saying about lord, lord. Who is that lord? Don't he has a name? Because they lusts the offerings of the non_believers. They don't have the guts to preach about the Lord of Israel and His Son Jesus. A soldier of Israel coveted a Babylonian garment, 200 shekels of silver, 50 shekels of gold. He taken the accursed things and put it in his tent. So they turned their backs before their enemies. Because of one man, the whole Nation defeated. Likewise in this last ages many Christian ministers and believers coveting and taking the accursed things. So the army of Lord Jesus defeated. Christians are just 3 percentage in india. The descendants of Israel cannot conquer and even lose their ground because they have taken accursed things. The new age doctrines teaches Christians can follow only the new testament, but they follow the old testament in their relationships. Polygamy, bonding with a non_believer in the business and marriages. Apostle paul said to the Romans "You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? You who make your boast in the Law do you dishonor God through breaking the Law? For the Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you as it is written. Romans 2:23,24,25. So if the people of Israel, that of 12 tribes of Jacob the clay want to conquer the world or to defeat their enemies, they must observe and follow the Laws of God. If they covet the Babylonian garments, that of New revived roman empire, they will be defeated and scattered all around the world. The spiritual Israel also must follow His laws. If they covet and take the shekels of prosperity teachings they will be scattered. They cannot inherit the the Heavenly Jerusalem. The earth is for the tribes of Israel. Spiritual Jews of Christians must not trait their earthly nations which is they are living now. They must sanctify themselves and preach the Gospel of Jesus. According to their witness many nations shall be saved. Do not follow the blasphemies of The two horned beast (USA). Follow the Laws of God. Do not trait your countries. Save them from the Euro presidents and from the Anti_Christ. Don't think you will be taken by the Lord in the Secret Rapture. If you have been left, can you see the death of innocent brotherhood? If you say so, you shall never never be saved. Don't rob the temples and don't let him (Great monarch) to rob the temples. Because they are nearer than you to the Kingdom of God.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Not to be served

The church in the western countries, particularly from the USA gives their offering to the organizations in India. They thought that it shall be used to preach the Gospel, but the ministers of stomach steals that and rules the church as a corporate company. India Every home crusade, World vision, FMPB, Ge(r)ms, are all the corporate companies of India. They want to be respected and wants to be called as Sir! Not as Brother!!! If any brother in the ministry calls them Brother... they warns them; "that is in the Church, not here". Call me sir. New Believers in Christ backsliding from their faith over the Christ. New and faithful ministers backsliding from their ministry and from their faith by these Sirs. The Verb Sir is used to call the Kings and rich by the poor. These hypocrites wants to be called "Sir". They are not the Ministers of Jesus Christ, but of the Anti_Christ. They misuse the sacrificial offerings and boarding then drinking and doing all unlawful acts. Unlawful against the Lord and Governance, unlawful against the Church and Country. I don't want to judge them, The Word of the Lord will Judge them. How we find the real Ministers of the Lord? The Words of God will help us to find them. Jesus said: You know that those who are considered rulers over the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, Mark 10:42,43,44. This not only said to the Apostles, but also to find the Characteristics of the True Christians and the Ministers. Apostle Paul might said about the glorious and inglorious of the Vessels. He seen the Believers by his Measures. But the Lord Jesus sees every soul a precious stone, the Living stones. He is God. Paul is Man. King Solomon built The temple of God by the stones and sand, but Jesus builds his Heavenly Jerusalem by the Living stones of his Church. So if anybody wants to be sirs, they must serve others as slaves.

Monday, July 2, 2012

The counterfeit of Satan

The Bible teaches us About the Ten Commandments in the Old Testament and about the Salvation through Christ Jesus in the New Testament. Old testament is for the Physical Israelites and the New Testament is for the Whole mankind including Jews and Israelites. But in this new age and millennial Church many false teachings has preached. One of the most false teaching is the prosperity teaching. Many newly converted Christians confused by this doctrine, they thought themselves as a cursed person if they poor or middle class. So they trespass the tenth commandment (Do not Covet Other's) and they justify it as our fore fathers do so, or our Biblical gentiles did so, why not us? The Blood of Jesus Cleanse us from all sins. So the lust of the money trespass all laws. Eve covet the fruit and sinned. Prosperity teaching is like a snake of the Genesis. It is the counterfeit of Satan. A false religion. Not only this, many cults preached through the Christian world. A non believer is nearer the LORD than us. If You need a perfect, real truth about the Lord and His commandments read or log on to of the Living church of the God. I searched many websites and saw this is real Church of God.