Saturday, August 31, 2013

Time to ride

The suns of this earth can't give the light to its citizens. They can give you just scorching useless heat. It will not burn the corruption; but boils the poor. Jesus Christ is the only Living star. Others are wandering stars. America was founded upon Judeo-Christian values-despite those values being etched in marble all over Washington. But, when they want to justify the redistribution of wealth, then they name-drop their buddy, Jesus. In the same manner, India was founded upon Non_violence. The Nehru congress promised Grameen Bharath. But today it became Corporate Bharath. Congress dropped Gandhi. Mr. Mohandass gandhi. Now it is headed by Iranian parsi Gandhis. Now we should analyze about; what is the bible says about Capitalism? In two awfully capitalistic moments, Jesus once stated outright that "a worker deserves his wages Luke 10:7" and delivered an entire parable praising the profitable, investment strategy of some workers while condemning the single man who didn't make a profit as wicked and lazy. Jesus even says, when the servant returns with no profit. In matthew 25:14_27 he said: You should have put my money on deposit with the banker, so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. He liked bankers. Not as like corporate banks, but His Church and elders. He didn't see the government as the answer to society's greatest moral and social ills. In fact, up until the very end of his life, he fought against His own disciples who were imagining a revolution that would end in Jesus being set up as an earthly king. He once said, "My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight John 18:36. His first followers also had a similar view of the role of money and of government. In fact, almost immediately we find other examples of property rights, the apostles condemning peoples who expected to eat without working, and proclaiming that Christians should give willingly, not out of coercion. He is the Uprising Sun. Spiritual Sun. Other suns will go into the black holes of this galaxy. The heads of this generation are the corrupted politicians, greedy Corporates, Selfish leaders of Castes and bargaining actors. They guide their followers to conquer earthly kingdom. Their kingdoms will be the regional power blocks of Euro. Their suns are the Catholic Mithra, Pope and Anti_Christ. India is not got it's independence. It still goes under the yokes of Iranian, Moghul, British and european invaders. The tribes of Ancient Indus valley civilization didn't liberalized. The kings of North oppress the civilians of south. The second coming of Jesus will change it. At that time a Great earth quake will divide the countries. It will divide the tribes a Great nation. It will consist of ancient Lemurian Continent. The Corporates will go to hide themselves in the secret hiding places of the mountains. Their descendants will become the barbaric tribes of mountains. So it was written, so it shall be done.