O you who dwell by many waters, Abundant in treasures, Your end has come, the measure of your covetousness Jeremiah 51:13 Behold, I will stirr up Medes against them Isaiah 13:17-18
Saturday, August 26, 2017
RFID and ugly sores
Son of Perdition is on the throne. He exalts himself above God to be worshiped as God, showing himself to be God. He spoken pompous words against Son of God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 10-12 reveals his character. First of all He cause demonetization. Now it's time to wear Bio_chips and electronic tattoos represents himself as god. Otherwise you cannot buy and sell. He causes all to be given a mark on their right hand or in their forehead. Revelation 13:16 This is the final warning to India, those you willing to accept the mark on your foreheads or on your right hands: they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. The world's banks are feverishly working toward a monetary system which is based on a tiny computer chip about a size of a grain of rice. It is electronic or digital money. The problem is not chip, but of man. After demonetization, you seen a man spoken Pompous words in the 2000 rupee bill. So as he will spoke on your minds through RFID micro chips. Every human will become trans_humans with gadgets. And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth, and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men. which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshiped his image Revelation 16:2. The ugly and painful sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. Men gnawed their tongues in agony and curse the God of Heaven because of their pains and their sores. Since such painful and ugly sores have not broken out on people across the world for any mark or ID card etc. But the RFID micro chips can absorb deadly gamma rays and it will be necessary to buy and sell. It is a warning, because the soul of man is his most valuable possession. The best way to affect the whole earth at the same time is to have something occur in space. It would take an extremely energetic cosmic catastrophe to do it. A solar flare or a magnetic flare can end the civilization of the earth. Those who accept the mark of the beast will be punished. This only first punishment. There are lot to come. Resist Devil and he will flee whoever he may be. Whether he is a hindu beast or christian beast. Shia beast or sunny beast.
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Liberal hate crime
The liberals and new age democrats hates dominant religions in their countries. They don't understand about attack on a person and attack on an ideology. The liberal hates it when any culturally dominant religious group attempts to exercise its cultural dominance to persecute a religious minority. The Islamic ideology is based on one world religion and one world government. But the Hindu ideology is based on Sanatana Dharma which divides it's people into four basic castes. India never occupied neighbor countries and force them to accept their Ideology. But the democrats and liberals blames Hindu nationals for political and economical vendetta. They use the weak side of Hinduism to collapse the integration of India. The pride and greed of the upper castes of India unites the tribes and Muslims. They are one third of population. The elite and celebrities use this coalition to conquer India's governance. They don't care about their national integration. Ready to scream Allah hu Akbar to get Saudi and Turkish FDI. The government of India must watch their business deals, money transactions, political agenda and foreign funds, particularly from USA and UAE. The growth of Islam is not religious. It is Global warfare. Even though many democrats and liberals regard terrorists who kill in the name of Allah as criminals, they cannot deny that Mohammed also killed in the name of Allah. The Christian world and the Islamic world contrast sharply in other ways as well, from the disparate condition of human rights and civil liberties to economic status. An astonishing seventy percentage of the world refugees are Muslims usually seeking to live in Christian based countries. In the same manner the refugees of Bangladesh intrude India. To prevent new political parties from being funded by Islamic Caliphate, foreign funds must transfer only through digital. Muslim ideology is more dangerous than Hindu ideology. The word Kafir is most abusive than mhleccha. The safety precaution to defend Hindu population is not racial. It is human right. Protect our countries from traitors. Do i not hate those who hate you, LORD , and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? Psalm 130:21
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
March against multiculturalism
The New world agenda of multiculturalism is being defined as the preservation of different cultures or identities within a unified society as a state or Nation. Unity in diversity can only be applied in the democratic countries. Well educated and civilized people accept refugees and low pay employees from all over the world. But the Muslim refugees are not educated and civilized. They are all occupation army with one world government agenda to create an Islamic Caliphate. Celebrate diversity rather than unity, include dual citizenship and promoting divided loyalties can lead to civil war.The global elite does the same mistake what nimrod done in Babel. In Genesis 11:1-9 God confused the language. We see that all of the people of the world had a common language, so they could all communicate with each other. Lord said Come let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other. So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. But now the NWO designers encourage to keep their own language and culture. It cannot make a peaceful society. In fact Multiculturalism is basically not a new world culture, but a sneaky plot to de_populate the tribes of Israel. Every country must protect themselves from this occupation Army. Not only in Europe, every nation in this earth must protect themselves from these armies of Anti_Christ. Russia, China, India and Myanmar must Resist the Islamic Caliphate. The Issa of Islam is Not the Biblical Jesus Christ. He is the false Prophet. They blasphemes against the Son of God. Hadith Sahih Bukhari, book 73 number 224 says: The most awful name in Allah's sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be a man calling himself Malik Al-amlak (the king of kings). But the Bible says: Jesus Christ is the King of kings 1 Timothy 6:14, Revelation 19:11. This means the Islamic Jesus (Issa) is Not the Biblical Jesus. They denies the Son_ship and Lordship of Jesus Christ. Say No to Chrislam (Christianity+Islam). Say No to Deen Ilahi of Akbar. Dajjal Hu Akbar. Why the Islamic Refugees are not welcomed in the Wealthy Islamic Nations? Because they are not driven out by the wars, but are sent to wage war against Non_Believers. Cruel, demon possessed occupation army. Don't marvel and worship the Jewish God in the Third temple. They are Not Worship Yahweh. They are worshiping the same Entity which bible says Satan. Islam is the Super Highway goes straight to Hell. Don't let them to overcome your own people. Islam is the only religion which beheads Non_Believers. It proves Islam is the Religion of Anti_Christ (AL-Mahdi). I saw thrones on which seated those who had been given authority to judge, And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and because of the word of God, they had not worshiped the beast (Mahdi) or its image and had not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. The came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years Revelation 20:4. The Islamic Invaders call us kafirs, but they are barbaric Mhlecchas.
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