Sunday, December 8, 2019

Never ever forget

The indigenous people of America were slaughtered by European settlers from 1492. They invade the american continant and violated all war rules, and killed the natives upto 100 million people. Today they introduced free trade and globalization. They destroyed the illiterate natives by importing and spreading the diseases like small pox yellow fever and many deadly diseases. Todays world forgotten and many didn't know about this genocide. Developement and environment administration is meant to develope the people's life. Not to kill them literally or culturally. Free trade means world war 3. Not only europeans, the NRI's are also like them. Don't elect and select them in your election at national and state level. Don't allow them to rule your internal administration. Privatising the water, electricity, transports arms are all harmful to your country's sovereignity.
Never ever forget the holocaust of native indigenous people of America.