Saturday, October 24, 2009

render to God the things that are God's

In this 21st century, the world seeks one world currency, it is the sign of the end times. The important function of money is that it acts as a medium of exchange. It is accepted freely in exchange for all other goods. It acts as a common measure of value. It is a unit of account and a standard of measurement. Whenever we buy a good, we pay a price for it in money. But in the days of digital money, whenever we buy a good we must pay a praise for the Satan (Anti_Christ). Digital money is nothing but the slavery of Satan. Money acts as store of value, so if you live in the days of Antichrist you must have to worship him as God. Otherwise Your wealth can not have a store of value. If you do not worship him, your transactions must not allowed in any form. The currency of Euro, will become one world currency. It will be created as universally acceptable. But The Satan always falls short before Jesus Christ. Jesus is the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. The anti_christ cannot overcome Jesus of Nazareth. Lord Jesus said in Mark 12:215,16,17. Jesus said: Bring me a denarius that I may see it. So they brought it. And He said to them, "Whose image and inscription is this?" And they said to Him, "Caesar's". Then Jesus answered and said to them, "Render to caesar the things that are caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. Jesus said clearly what to do in the days of Antichrist. We must not render to king the things that are God's. We can pay a price for a good. Not a praise for a good. It is an abomination. Idolatry. The beast May try to fix a mark on your foreheads or on your right hands. It would be marked above the Bio_chips which would be used as a substitute of credit cards, national identity cards etc. So we must oppose him. He will flee from you. Render to God the things that are God's. The governances of this earth must not give authority to the European economic council. They glorifies the cross. Not that crucified Jesus Christ. He is the Real Saviour of the World. Politically, economically, and spiritually. He is the Real Sun. Not as the suns of this world which gives you ultra violet rays of fascism. They can give you political and economical cancer. Jesus give you his flesh as a living bread. He will overcome His enemies. On that day this earth will tremble. His enemies shall go in vain. Halleluja. Praise and glory to the Lord of lords Jesus Christ.